This site is dedicated to the memory of Mary Tonner.

My Mum, A Daughter, Sister, Partner, Auntie, Mary-doll to her many friends :-) My mum is such an amazing person, I remember her every minute of every day, if its listening to one of her favourite songs on the radio or laughing at her dancing in my head or doing silly things which she always done, like cleaning obsessively around the house. :-) I love her soooooooo sooooooooo much and miss her even more, here is a poem i wrote about my mum to say goodbye, which was read at my mums funeral for those who werent there, thought i would post it on this, so it will be here forever...... My waking life will never be the same again, though i know I can hold on to all your amazing qualities which you have inbuilt in me. If I have even half of your strength, then I'm the luckiest daughter in the whole world. You were more than my mum, you were my sister, my best friend, my idol, my world; I guess that's what makes a perfect mum. You created the most special bond between us both by treating me more than your daughter, who you would do anything for, from staying by my side when I was three, the whole time I was in hospital, to buying me my perfect 21st dress from london, you have never let me down through these amazing 21 years. I now believe an Angel is everything you are; shoulders big enough to hold everyones problems - a caring, selfless heart, a warm smile, hardworking in everyway. You are forever in my heart and dreams Mum. So now, when I go to sleep tonight, I can give you a massive hug so tight. XxX I still stand by every word - though as the days go on, its even harder without her. I wish you were still here mum to see me grow , I know your proud of me, but it's just not the same without hearing you say those words, so I just replay them in my head when you have said them to me before. I love you mum XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX My mums friend Melanie, thought this would be a nice idea to setup which I totally agree with, if only we knew about this sooner, but better late than never eh mel? Thanks for letting me know about it. X To whoever is reading this, must be family or friends of my mum, and as you know, my mum was loved by all, so this is one way to let her spirit live on, through a good cause, which I know that my mum would be 100% honoured by. So if your not too bothered about raising money for the hospice, then please contribute on behalf of the legend, Mary Tonner :-) I hope this makes you all smile, as it has made me smile, the fact that my mum is still here on this page, yous can come on and look at pictures of her, and remember her and i'm going to get her name printed on a gold leaf that will be put on a tree outside the hospice, which will be there forever :-) Yous can all leave your own comments as well. Thanks for reading, leave a comment :) Lots of love XX UPDATE - HI everyone :-) Just to let you all know, I am doing the women's 10k again this year, for those who I see from now until 9th may (day of the race) can donate online, as all the funds that I collect will be going to this website, every penny is given to help the Hospice (Everyone at this hospice were fantastic with my mum and they have given me the best support, so I really want to give back) Every little helps, the smallest donation would make a big difference, Thank You, Take Care, Lots of Love, Natalie x x


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